Article I: Name The name of this organization shall be the Atlanta Music Teachers Association in the Georgia Music Teachers Association. Article II: Objective Section 1: The objective of this association shall be to promote professional fraternity among music teachers; to stimulate professional growth among music teachers; to encourage and give broader opportunities to our students; to support the appreciation of music in our communities; and to support the objectives of the Georgia Music Teachers Association and Music Teachers National Association. Section 2: The Atlanta Music Teachers Association is not organized for profit. No part of its net earnings benefits any private individual. Section 3: In the event of the dissolution of this organization, any funds remaining in the treasury after payment of any outstanding debts shall be divided equally between MTNA Foundation, the GMTA General A ward Fund, the Joan Broadhurst Fund, and the GMT A Composition Award Fund. Article III: Affiliation: Affiliation shall be maintained by this Association, and by every active member thereof, with the Georgia Music Teachers Association and Music Teachers National Association. Article IV: Fiscal Year: The fiscal year shall be from July 1 through June 30 of the following year. Article V: Membership Section 1.: Membership shall be unlimited in number. Membership classifications shall be Active, Patron, and Honorary. Section 2: Active membership is open to all persons professionally engaged in any field of music activity who are members of GMTA and MTNA. Such membership provides the privileges of participation in the activities of the Association, holding office, voting, and receiving the official Association publications. MTNA strongly encourages its members to adopt the Code of Ethics as their model of professional conduct. Section 3: Patron membership is open to all persons not professionally engaged in any field of musical activity who wish to support programs of the Association. Such membership provides admission to all meetings of the Association but does not include the right to vote or hold office. Patron members are entitled to receive the official Association publication. State membership is not an MTNA membership requirement. Section 4: Honorary membership may be conferred upon those individuals who, in the estimation of the majority of members of this Association, have made outstanding contributions to the field of music in our community. a. The Executive Board shall select the individuals qualified for this honor and notify the membership through the association newsletter of such action. b. Nominations may be made to the Board by any active member in good standing. Honorary members will not pay dues to the local Association. Article VI: Payment of Dues Section 1: Annual dues for all membership categories are due on the first day of the membership year, after which date members are not in good standing nor entitled to any membership privileges until dues are paid for the current membership year. Prospective and current members will send all National, State, and Local dues directly to MTNA by June 30. Section 2: Those failing to pay annual dues to MTNA, GMTA, and AMTA by November 1 of the current membership year will not be privileged to enter students in the GMTA local association auditions sponsored by AMTA. Article VII: Membership Year The membership year is the same as the fiscal year, July 1 through June 30 of the following year. Article VIII: Meetings Section 1: AMTA will hold at least four regular meetings during the membership year. Section 2: At least five members shall constitute a quorum to transact business at these meetings. At least two of those present and voting must be current officers. Section 3: Executive board meetings shall be held at least once a year. Article IX: Elections and Appointments Section 1: Appointment of the Nominating Committee The nominating committee shall consist of the President-Elect and two members-at-large recommended by the President. The committee shall begin its duties in January. Section 2: Election of Officers a. The Election of Officers shall take place at the regular meeting of the Association in March, at which the Nominating Committee shall present a slate of officers to the Association for approval by majority vote. The committee's recommendations shall have been presented to the membership via the May newsletter, and the May meeting, at which time nominations from the floor may be made. b. The term for all officers will be two years. The new officers shall assume their duties upon induction to their posts at the May meeting. c. The Executive Board shall appoint officers to fill any unexpired term. d. Contingencies: Should an unforeseen circumstance arise, preventing the President from fulfilling the duties of their office, the President-Elect shall complete the unexpired portion of the term. If such portion is eighteen months or more, the new President shall be considered to have served a full term and shall not be eligible for re-election. When the new President takes office, a nominating committee shall be formed immediately, to choose another President-Elect. If the current President-Elect should also need to resign, a volunteer from the membership shall be found to fill the unexpired portion of the President's two-year term, and a nominating committee shall be formed as above, to provide a new President-Elect. All other Vice Presidents and committee chairpersons shall continue to serve out the remainder of their two-year terms.
Article X: Duties of Officers Section 1: President a. Shall preside at all regular meetings of the Association and Executive Board. b. Shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. c. Shall call special meetings of the Association and Executive Board, when necessary. d. Shall appoint all special and standing committees as needed. e. The president will be thoroughly familiar with and follow the rules of parliamentary procedure and the bylaws of this association. f. Shall perform all other duties implied by this title.
Section 2: President-Elect a. Shall assist the President in conducting all areas of association affairs. b. Shall assume the duties of the President in their absence or resignation. c. Shall succeed to the Presidency at the end of her/his term.
Section 3: Vice President of Programs a. Shall be responsible for organizing programs (secure speaker and location) for each teaching year, and getting a typed list of same to the person printing the newsletter, and to the person updating the website, no later than July 31.
Section 4: Recording Secretary a. Shall attend all meetings and take intelligible, comprehensive minutes. b. Shall type minutes in an understandable form, to be read at the next meeting. c. Shall keep all minutes in an electronic folder, to be passed on to the newly elected Secretary. d. In case of absence from any meeting, shall be responsible for seeing that the minutes are given to someone who will be at the meeting, and can read them. e. Shall e-mail a copy of the minutes to the President before each meeting.
Section 5: Vice President of Membership and Treasurer a. Shall collect and disburse all funds of the Association. b. Shall keep an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements. c. Shall submit to the president monthly and annual reports. d. Shall mail a copy of the monthly report to the President, preceding each meeting. e. Shall keep clear records of expenses, together with receipts from officers and committee chairpersons (which are to be submitted to the Treasurer each month for reimbursement.) f. Shall provide a printed report of membership and finances for meetings.
Article XI: Executive Board a. The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers of the Association and the Standing Committee Chairpersons. The Board shall have charge and control of the affairs, funds, and property of the Association. Five members shall constitute a quorum. b. The President may ask any other member or members to attend meetings of the Executive Board to advise and provide special information. These members shall not have a vote
Article XII: Standing Committees The President may appoint any committee, subject to the approval of the Executive Board. The Standing Committees of the Association are as follows: 1. Hospitality and Outreach 2. Atlanta Piano Festival 3. Local Auditions 4. Scholarship Foundation 5. Certification 6. Romantic and Impressionist Piano Competition 7. Publicity (website, newsletter, social media) Each chairperson shall keep clear records on the guidelines and functions of their committee to be passed to the new chairperson.
Article XIII: Parliamentary Procedure: The deliberations of all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order, revised edition. Article XIV: Amendments: By-laws may be amended at any business meeting by a two-thirds vote of members present and voting. Amendments must have been previously submitted to membership 30 days before voting. Amended in 1995, Amended in October 1997, Amended in September 1998, Amended in September 2001 Amended in April 2002, Amended in August 2003, Amended in September 2008, Amended in September 2017, Amended in April 2018, Amended in August 2022.